I had completely forgotten about Kritschgau, and I think that's more than reflective for how the writers treat their ancillary characters. We haven't seen him for two years, and suddenly he holds the key to this particular mystery? Eh. I don't really buy it. The show always seems to unearth seemingly vanished characters for contrived purposes.
However, the rest of the hour is pretty fun. I liked the gradual 'plagues' trying to interrupt Scully's research, and Mulder's adventures in psychic connect-the-dots at the hospital was absorbing. Skinner, too, seems to be back on track again. I'm still sort of lost with the whole 'Krycek blackmail' thing, but it's fun seeing him clearly distrust Agent Fowley and try and scupper the over-arching plans for Mulder. Besides a couple of blips, this is a neat little season premiere. B
Guest stars Mitch Pileggi (Walter Skinner); Mimi Rogers (Diana Fowley); Michael Ensign (Dr. Barnes); Jo Nell Kennedy (Dr. Amina Ngebe); Conrad Roberts (Primitive Man); John Finn (Michael Kritschgau)
Writer Chris Carter Director Kim Manners
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