You've got to feel for Lilah. Okay, not really. But all she wanted was her own little side-project, especially with Lindsey stealing all her workplace thunder with his increasingly successful Darla scheme. I kind of wish Lilah's relationship with Bethany was explored a little more, but I did love the inevitable stand-off between the two of them. Stephanie Romanov is so freakin' awesome on this show, especially when she's acting against Angel. There's a petulant and insanely bitter vibe she gives Lilah in those scenes, Angel once again scuppering her plans. Heh.
Bethany was a great character who was given a fascinating back-story. I also enjoyed her interaction with both Wesley and Cordelia, Wesley being necessarily volatile in order for her to face up to her problems, and Cordelia being the feminine confidante. The dialogue-heavy Angel/Bethany scenes mid-way through the hour dragged slightly, but both David Boreanaz and Daisy McCrackin worked well together. I'm surprised McCrackin hasn't done a whole lot since except being cannon fodder nakedness in a Halloween sequel, since she has a certain quality here.
Untouched is a successful filler episode. Few of the themes are hugely important on the grand scheme of things, but there are some interesting ideas floating around. I also adored that quick moment where Bethany sees her father again and promptly blows out all the windows. Awesomeness. A-
Guest stars Stephanie Romanov (Lilah Morgan); Sam Anderson (Holland Manners); Daisy McCrackin (Bethany Chaulk); Gareth Williams (Mr. Chaulk); Julie Benz (Darla)
Writer Mere Smith Director Joss Whedon
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