The Krycek subplot is almost spoiled by the revelation of his true allegiances. I'm guessing it was rushed to accommodate the fact that Gillian is now twenty-eight months pregnant, but it probably would have been more effective to delay the big reveal for at least a couple of episodes. Because, otherwise, he's a great addition to the show, and very believable as a possible new ally of Mulder's, who has looked up to him for years. Nicholas Lea also makes a great first impression as the character, slipping into the X-Files world with relative ease.
The main storyline for the episode was really intriguing, helped by some great guest actors, in particular Tony Todd, who's essentially the go-to guy for vengeful murderous folk on sci-fi TV. It had some great moments, from the opening "dream" to the ghosts of the dead Vietnamese haunting their killers. Pretty effective stuff. Rating B+
Guest stars Mitch Pileggi (A.D. Walter Skinner); Nicholas Lea (Alex Krycek); Jonathan Gries (Salvatore Matola); Steven Williams (X); Tony Todd (Augustus Cole)
Writer Howard Gordon Director Rob Bowman
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