The X-Files: Eve (1.11)
My favorite X-Files episodes are usually ones which are psychologically creepy, and not the ones that are full-on blood and violence. Eve falls into the former category, as it's an episode that's as genuinely gory as it is psychologically sinister.
The creepiness is undeniably raised thanks to a phenomenal guest performance from Harriet Sansom Harris, who plays several adult Eve's. Despite all being the same person, she gives each Eve a different personality, with Eve 6 being a yellow-teethed psychopath, Eve 7 slowly slipping into madness and only behaving normal due to drug use, and Eve 8 being calm, reserved and determined to keep her family going. The two young actresses playing the twins are also pretty good, but they grate a little when acting evil. I imagine it was difficult to find identical twin actresses that are sufficiently creepy, so I at least give the casting directors credit for what was undoubtedly a tough job.
The script evolves at a steady and intriguing place, jumping from one possible outcome (something vampiric?) to another (something to do with UFOs? A serial killer?) before finally revealing the cloning program.
The only downpoint to the episode is the fact that there isn't a follow-up to this storyline. Stories like Squeeze didn't need an eventual sequel, but Eve is practically screaming out for one, and it's ultimately disappointing that this clone army plot never resurfaces, as it could have worked really well. Rating B+
Guest stars Harriet Harris (Dr. Sally Kendrick); Erika Krievins (Cindy Reardon); Sabrina Krievins (Teena Simmons); Jerry Hardin (Deep Throat)
Writers Kenneth Biller, Chris Brancato Director Fred Gerber
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