The suckage also affects Mulder and Scully, who could not be more annoying. Their dialogue at the top of the show came off totally contrived, with Mulder making bad puns and David Duchovny mugging for the camera. Is he just tired of this show? Don't get me started on Scully's jealousy over Dr. Berquist either. Right, because Mulder is sure to find this disheveled, clearly disturbed dog-lady so damn attractive...
Alpha is relentlessly goofy, and a misfire this show hasn't seen since that awful cat-attack episode Techo Dos Bichos. Thinking about it, The X-Files should stay the hell away from cats and dogs. Nothing good seems to come from either of them. D-
Guest stars Melinda Culea (Karen Berquist); Thomas Duffy (Jeffrey Cahn); Michael Mantell (Dr. James Riley); David Starwalt (Frank Fiedler); Andrew J. Robinson (Dr. Ian Detweiler)
Writer Jeffrey Bell Director Peter Markle
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