Before I'm accused of ragging on this too much, I like the Seer a whole lot. Debbi Morgan is clearly doing some scenery-chewing Eartha Kitt impression, but it works. The Source, too, is creepily effective with his half-melted face and scary eyes. The guardians of the Hollow were a little too 'magical junk by numbers' for me, but I at least appreciated the introduction of more mythology.
Elsewhere, I really disliked Piper's attitude towards Paige. Paige is involved in an important spousal abuse case at work involving a lady who's come down with a bad case of collagen lip, and her attention is unsurprisingly diverted to that throughout most of the episode. And yet Piper is happy to whine at her when Paige is called away after the lady is beaten up by her boyfriend. What exactly would Paige be doing otherwise? Sitting around waiting for the Source to attack? Obviously there's always been that thing about personal life versus demon-fighting on Charmed, but Paige can't just abandon her professional responsibilities at the drop of a hat to basically sit around worrying with Piper. Gah!
Charmed and Dangerous works on various levels. The bad guys are effective, the big coda at the Manor is fun, etc. But the hour drags a little in places and there are too many annoying moments to make it rank up there with Charmed's best. But it does promise some interesting things for the future... B-
Guest stars Peter Woodward (The Source); Camilla Rantsen (Carolyn Seldon); Caprice Benedetti (Angel); Debbi Morgan (The Seer)
Writers Monica Breen, Alison Schapker Director Jon Paré
Obviously I disagree with a lot you've said. All the smaller events that happened, like Leo's shooting, help to amp up a dark and tense atmosphere that help make this episode one of the shows darkest, and for that matter greatest episodes. While I wouldn't say there's similarity between this episode an AHBL, quality wise this is close. The episodes themselves are largely different.
ReplyDeletePiper's moaning didn't annoy me so much here because of everything else going on, but on the whole she can get very irritating when she gets like that. The surly attitude some people adore gets simply b*tchy near the shows end. Not during these episodes though, I quite liked her in season 4, mostly.
BUT you're review is brilliant all the same =)
I read your review a while back when you posted it and I remember thinking "oops". Heh. Yeah, this is one that we majorly disagree on. Don't get me wrong, it's pretty good. But I felt like it just had a lot of people standing around waiting for something to happen, and it felt like they had done the whole 'Leo shooting', 'Phoebe injured' thing way too many times before. Blah. It's fine. Thanks for reading, though, like always.
ReplyDeleteHahha Max our first difference in opinion! I actually share Panda's views on this one. I've always LOVED this episode and the little events that kept piling up as the stakes kept escalating!
ReplyDeleteOf course it's not as good as All Hell Breaks Loose but for me it's always been my second favorite!
I just wish Charmed stayed this dark! They became too light and cheap the last few seasons and it's heartbreaking! Such fantastic quality in seasons 3 and 4!
I have to mention that this episode features one of my most favorite moments ever; The Source attacking the Manor and smashing Piper with a fireball into the wall. Simply excellent and thrilling!
ALTHOUGH, I always did wonder how did they get up to the attic in the commercial break? Did the Source just stand around taunting them???
Did love him taunting Phoebe as the weakest sister as well before she knocks him on his ass!!
Just awesome!
Anyways always a pleasure to read your reviews, until our next disagreement Max :P
Oh no, is this like a pattern now?? Heh. This does seem like an episode that people really, really love. Eh. I'm just not all that into it. There are a couple of episodes coming up (The Fifth Halliwheel, Long Live the Queen) that I feel are way more powerful.
ReplyDeleteI agree about the darkness, though. They should have stuck with that. But I guess the lighter-than-light feel of season five was a network-ordered thing. Maybe the WB just hated the show getting too dramatic. Result: leprechauns. Gah.
Thanks for reading, nadims.
Please don't bring up the leprechauns in this truly great episode's presence!
ReplyDeleteI actually love everyone's different opinions, it makes reading your reviews even more interesting.
Nadims, I actually never thought about how they got away from the Source, they must have ran upstairs REALLY fast! Or maybe they just kept dodging fireballs the whole way up!
hahaha but Panda how could they run so fast while CARRYING Piper?? (which is how they arrive)!
ReplyDeleteI usually never get annoyed by continuity but this ruined an otherwise favorite episode of mine!! Would it have killed them to show a bit more action to connect those two scenes???
Ah long live the queen!! Max the ending to that with the 3 sisters on the bed is probably one of the strongest scene they've ever done on this show! Love it!
and max and panda, FOLLOW MY BLOG :@ :@:@ encourage my tv writing!! i am this close to quitting!! it takes a lot of effort!!
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you had one, I'm following now =)