I did, however, enjoy the interaction between Wesley and Cordelia. I really like these two together, as it definitely feels like they have an "us and him" relationship with Angel at this point. They banter well together, I liked their attempts to fleece tickets from audience members, and Wesley was pretty nifty with that crossbow.
Lilah Morgan, who would go on to become one of the most badass Buffyverse characters, is easily the most intriguing Wolfram & Hart lawyer introduced so far. She's sensual, whip-smart and already has a flirtatious chemistry with Angel. Stephanie Romanov also has great on-screen presence. I don't know if the show had intended Lilah to recur at this point, but she blew all those other season one W&H characters out of the water. Or maybe it's just the fact that she originated in such an underwhelming episode, naturally making her look more impressive.
The Ring is Angel coasting. A 'blah' filler episode, that itself a format that has quickly become season one's trademark. Clearly the writers rethought this theme, since episodes like this look so unusual compared to the arc-heavy plotting of the future. D+
Guest stars Markus Redmond (Tom Cribb); Douglas Roberts (Darin McNamara); Scott William Winters (Jack McNamara); Stephanie Romanov (Lilah Morgan)
Writer Howard Gordon Director Nick Marck
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