The firestarter story had some interesting ideas. I liked the bounty hunter step-parents, and additionally Piper and Leo going undercover as the two of them. I liked the concept of a demon attempting to get hold of various 'magical kids' before they choose to side with good. Ray Wise is a great character-actor for evil characters. But, in general, the story flatlined after each promising idea was raised. Wise, in particular, is criminally wasted in such a thin role. And that pre-meth Aaron Carter lookalike is ridiculously heinous as firestarter Tyler.
Alyssa Milano's performance manages to salvage the dumb subplot with Grams' ring. She does a great Elizabeth Montgomery impression, and a couple of moments (the over-cooking, the ignorance of all things serious) were a lot of fun. Neat special effects, too, with her black-and-white flickering. But this is another filler episode in general, with a lot of 'blah'-ness that doesn't go anywhere decent. Meh. D+
Guest stars Ray Wise (Ludlow); Alex Black (Tyler); Dwier Brown (Foster Father); Ashley Gardner (Foster Mother)
Writer Nell Scovell Director Noel Nosseck
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