Charmed once again explores the mythology of the series here, introducing the Council, three robed gentlemen who orchestrate various attacks on the Charmed Ones. I'm assuming that they're the Triad explored in greater detail next season, but it's a little vague here. The Council sends two villains after the Charmed Ones: an angry Dragon Warlock played by a hammy Australian, and an obnoxious French Stewart as a wise-cracking genie. Ugh. Both are pretty awful.
There are, of course, moments of greatness. Phoebe flying past the windows of the Manor before smashing through is one of the finest comedy moments the show ever produced, while it's a natural progression for the show to once again return to Phoebe's desire for an active power. However, the rest of the storyline is pretty uneventful. Prue's in danger, and the stakes felt a little contrived. Her 'death' occurring simply because it's the finale, not for any real purpose. It was also a little annoying that Prue is suddenly desperate for a man. Her missions lately have been work-related, Prue trying to find some kind of meaning in her life. Suddenly that has mutated into settling down with a good boyfriend. Hmm.
Dan is finally written out, and at least he got a happy ending. His transition from caring boyfriend to crazed destroyer-of-Leo was choppy, but at least wasn't granted so much screentime that it destroyed his character. Not that he had much of a character in the first place.
Season two was notable for its confidence and strengthening of the characters, and it featured a bunch of classic episodes. However, the story arcs were bogged down by the Piper love triangle, and several standalone episodes were pretty crappy. But, as always, there is a charm (no pun intended) and sense of humor which make the show so watchable. C
Guest stars Marcus Graham (Dragon); Jeff Corey (Council Member); J.G Hertzler (Council Member); Zitto Kazann (Council Member); French Stewart (Genie)
Teleplay Brad Kern, Zack Estrin, Chris Levinson Story Brad Kern Director Shannen Doherty
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