The writers are definitely creating more of an ensemble feel to the show, but it's still a little contrived. I liked the characters working as a team, but it's frustrating that Dinah is now some kick-ass supergirl. Sure, we had one or two training montages, but I don't believe that she's reached such a high level of combat where she's now equally as kick-ass as Helena. And her whiny "why don't you trust me with my mad fighting skillzz!!!" shtick was ridiculously annoying. I really want her off my TV set.
So... what else? I dug Barbara's Farrah hair. And that was Coach Beiste as the butch prison warden, right? And it was welcome to see Reese getting in with the team. Eh. I'm reaching for comments. Donovan Leitch was pretty hammy as the one-eyed ring leader. But, then again, maybe that's what the show is aiming for in terms of villains? They haven't exhibited huge ambition so far... C-
Guest stars Donovan Leitch (Malcolm Lagg); Abby Brammell (Claire Fordhart)
Writer David H. Goodman Director David Carson
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