The Ben White story was very intriguing. I'd never heard of this "condition" before, but it sounded pretty legit. Like he said, if Christian would have no problem operating on a transsexual client, why not operate on him? There are obviously differences, but the basic idea (removing an individual's body part that wasn't supposed to be there) is undeniably similar.
The "semen face cream" subplot was undoubtedly the worst story of the episode. Plain embarrassing and featuring some god-awful dialogue, even Joan Rivers couldn't save it. As if the whole idea wasn't stupid enough anyway, no investor would want to back a product without knowing all the ingredients first, let alone put it on the market. And if Betty Rubble of Chicago, Illinois found out she'd been rubbing strange men's semen into her face for the past x-amount of years, the lawsuit Julia and Co. would face would be insane...
Some great character moments and an interesting surgery case end up spoiled by a terrible subplot and the sleep-inducing Anne Heche story. Still, it was at least better than Frankenlaura... B-
Guest stars Joan Rivers (Herself); Anne Heche (Nicole Morretti); John Billinsgley (Ben White); Thomas Calabro (Dr. Abrams); Gigi Rice (Gretchen Carr); Tanner Richie (Austin Morretti); Bob Gunton (Agent Sagamore)
Writers Lyn Greene, Richard Levine Director Jeremy Podeswa
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