The Jersey Devil, herself, is neither interesting, nor particularly threatening, and any hint of danger is kept at a pretty low wattage. Mulder's sudden proclamation of "she was beautiful" is extremely corny, too: the most obvious of what amounts to a fair number of corny asides sprinkled throughout the episode, like something out of a melodramatic B-movie.
Writer Chris Carter attempts to develop a metaphor for man's invasion of the wild with the Atlantic City tourism trade subplot, but it never really goes anywhere. Like an idea half-explored before being thrown in the trash. Besides that, the script does have some occasionally humorous banter between our two leads, but it can't save the entire episode.
The show's first real dud, The Jersey Devil doesn't really work on any level, and the most interesting ideas floating around are only briefly explored before being dumped in favor of naked animal-women. Eh. Rating C-
Credits Guest stars Claire Stansfield (The Jersey Devil); Wayne Tippit (Detective Thompson); Gregory Sierra (Dr. Diamond); Michael MacRae (Peter Brullet)
Writer Chris Carter Director Joe Napolitano
But the episode was still creepy AF