
Sunday, April 8, 2012

The X-Files: Surekill (8.8)

Watching Surekill, I kept imagining ways that it could have been more interesting. Most of them revolve around the 'superpower' of the week, in this case the ability to see through walls. There's only one scene here that truly works, in which Tammi Peyton remarks that she feels like she's always being watched, X-ray visioned Dwight presumably peeking in at her from outside the room. It's a really vivid moment of creepy voyeurism, positioning the ability as something that's intrinsically unnerving, bringing out the reality in a supernatural situation -- since we can all kind of relate to the fear of being secretly watched. But, for some reason, Surekill ends up really dragging, Greg Walker's script struggling to find anything truly exciting within his intriguing premise.

The story quickly gets wrapped up in a soapy love triangle between three professional dopes, one snarly and angry, one a Baby Huey dude, the other a cowardly secretary. I've reiterated it countless times in the past, but The X-Files always struggles with stories like this, in which our leads take a back-seat to characters we'll never see again. Surekill is the most overtly tedious episode in a long while as a result of this, especially when the guest characters involved are so flat.

I'm still enjoying Scully and Dogget's partnership, but I'm really eager to see Doggett worked in to the show better. This is another episode in which he isn't used all that well, the writers once again making peculiar choices in terms of character perspective and who's steering the reigns of each X-Files hour. Blah. D

Guest stars Michael Bowen (Dwight Cooper); Kellie Waymire (Tammi Peyton); Patrick Kilpatrick (Randall Cooper); Joe Sabatino (Captain Triguero); Tom Jourden (Carlton Chase)
Writer Greg Walker Director Terrence O'Hara

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