
Monday, March 5, 2012

Buffy: Gone (6.11)

This is Buffy on auto-pilot, an episode derived from a weak conceit and desperately given some kind of meaning or purpose via Buffy's ongoing personal woes. But, in the end, it still feels like an unnecessary detour, one with little momentum or actual 'reason'. Buffy's invisible. She likes it, plays around with it for a while, faces death, feels sad, and gets over it. There are funny moments sprinkled through the script, but Gone still ranks up there among the most forgettable episodes of the entire series.

I get that the Evil Trio are supposed to be lame, but their antics here are more of the same in that regard, and it's already old. Granted, they're a lot less annoying than in previous appearances, but there's something pretty low-rent about their general presence. I can't help but feel some of their 'loser' moments go on way longer than they needed to. Did we really have to see them throw the smoke and run away and then see them struggle to open up the fire exit? It all feels too obvious for this show.

Elsewhere, most of the decent stuff occurs within individual moments. There's obviously the invisible sex scene, but why does it feel like the entire episode was built around that single idea? The initial social services sequence is typical 'unexpected visitor'
sitcom hoodoo, but it's funny. I also loved those floaty eyeballs, while seeing Willow get into detective mode again was a welcome retread. But Gone isn't the sum of its parts, with most of the invisible drama painfully goofy and charmless. Blah. Skip it. D+

Guest stars Danny Strong (Jonathan Levinson); Adam Busch (Warren Meers); Tom Lenk (Andrew Wells); Daniel Hagen (Frank); Susan Ruttan (Doris Kroeger)
Writer David Fury Director David Fury


  1. I don't remember this all too well. but as far as I could tell the invisible thing was all about getting Buffy to the realization that she wants to live, and actually be a part of this world. It kind of serves as a turning point in that way. That's how I see it, at least.

    I do agree with everything else, though. All of the comedy surrounding the Trio is a little bit forced.

    Great review.

  2. That's absolutely true. I probably should have wrote about that more. I don't know, it still felt a little tenuous a link, especially after all the dumb invisible comedy.

    Thanks, Panda.

  3. I do remember invisible Buffy trying to sexually assault Spike before he finally consented to have sex with her. The scene was played for laughs and I felt disgusted.
