
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Charmed: Necromancing the Stone (5.21)

I've always thought Necromancing the Stone ranks up there among the most boring Charmed episodes. And I hate describing something as boring. Sure, it's nice to get some Grams development, and the commentary on gender politics and Grams' own issues with men are both interesting, but the episode drags like nothing else before it. The necromancer's plan is a little hazy, and the annoying 'men are worthless shits' theme that runs through several of the storylines is more than a little contrived and offensive.

It would have been more interesting for the Necromancer story to be used as a sounding board for some exploration into the love lives of the three sisters. Maybe if there were more of an appreciation for the fact that nearly all of them have fallen for men that are wrong for them, including demons and warlocks along the way. Instead, the storyline is bogged down in exposition and whining, and the concept isn't given more room to breathe.

Phoebe and Jason's relationship goes down a familiar TV route, with Jason moving to another country and wanting Pheebs to join him. It's really not interesting, especially since it just contains more of Phoebe's flip-flopping over her personal and professional responsibilities. Blah.

Necromancing the Stone is another late season five misfire, and one that I really struggle to get absorbed by, no matter how many times I watch it. D

Guest stars Norman Reedus (Nate Parks); Jennifer Rhodes (Penny 'Grams' Halliwell); Sam Pancake (Minion); Chris Sarandon (Armand); Eric Dane (Jason Dean)
Writers Henry Alonso Myers, Alison Schapker, Monica Breen Director Jon Paré

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