
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Charmed: Y Tu Mummy También (5.10)

Can Alyssa Milano put on some fucking clothes? Yeesh! I don't need to see her saline bags every other week, and her ridiculous mummy dance half-way through this episode was the ugliest thing that's appeared on this show since the evening gown she wore in Happily Ever After. Y Tu Mummy También, as an episode, is a little strange. It features a bunch of concepts that, while tired, are pretty reliable when it comes to trashy fun. Possessed sisters? Check. Piper saving the day? Check. Some Cole evilness. Check. But the hour feels hollow and overlong, a last-minute Sophie's Choice drama kind of redundant and a Darryl subplot that nobody asked for.

Cole's presence on the show is still a lot of fun, primarily because of Julian McMahon's performance, but the writers are quickly turning him into a caricature of a wacky psychopath. Sure, parts of his scenes here were funny (the guillotine, especially), but it feels a little weak to be reducing such a strong character to suicidal silliness. Eh.

Adrian Paul is pretty good as Jeric, and I liked the concept of his quest to find a body for his lover, even if that was done to better effect in season three's Coyote Piper. I was also surprised at Paul's obvious research for his guest spot, as he nailed Brian Krause's mannerisms and facial movements perfectly during that brief subplot where Leo morphed into him. It's always funny when one-episode guest stars showcase more conviction and effort than the actual regulars.

But, as previously mentioned, there's a flatness to the episode which majorly drags it down, and a feeling of the show coasting on the most basic characteristics of the sisters: Piper acting whiny and bored, Paige being all inquisitive and wicca-happy, and Phoebe being a huge pair of tits. Filler. D

Crimes of Fashion What is up with that gag-worthy optical-illusion raincoat Phoebe is wearing: half denim, half pleather? Jesus...

Guest stars Adrian Paul (Jeric)
Writer Curtis Kheel Director Chris Long


  1. haha you are so scathing! I'm not watching this at the moment though I slightly remember it first time around, it sounds utterly crazy here.

  2. I actually liked this one. It escalated into something really dramatic, quite fast, but thanks to Holly, it worked. The mummy hulabuloo was a little over the top, but I rather enjoyed it. Great review though, they always make for a great read.

  3. Hahhah I agree with Panda. I always enjoyed this one! Must re-watch so I can comment further details with you guys! :( But yes, it was crazy how much Brad Kern insisted on putting Alyssa Milano in such outfits! I always found her extremely beautiful but sometimes less is really more! In season 5 alone her costumes were outrageous!

  4. Maya Heh. I get so angry with these reviews. It's terrible. I'll probably end up with a coronary sooner or later.

    Panda & Nadim That's interesting that you're fans of this one. I don't know, it really bored me for some reason. And I generally like mummy hoodoo. Eh. And the costumes are ridiculous, I agree. I think I've seen more of Alyssa Milano's body than I've seen of my own.
