
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Charmed: Witches in Tights (5.5)

This is one of those episodes that probably should have been a lot better than it actually was. It's the Charmed Ones as superheroes! Yay-ness, right? There are a couple of cool moments with the sisters dolled up in their multi-colored leather ensembles, but in the end the hour flatlines, full of a multitude of annoying subplots, ridiculous plotting and bad acting. In the A-plot, Kevin's powers are wildly inconsistent, and Arnon was pretty weak as a bad guy considering the genre vet playing him. Fun costumes though, and for seemingly the first time ever it was Phoebe who actually looked the best.

Elsewhere, the subplots are a barrage of stupidity. For some reason this week, everybody is oh-so-concerned about Piper's well-being, insisting that she stay quiet and boring while she deals with being horrendously, disgustingly knocked up. Ugh. Ignoring the fact that Piper's pregnancy isn't even showing yet and the fact that her various stabbings and electrocutions this year have been conveniently healed by the unborn fetus growing inside of her, it's a ridiculously offensive storyline that makes Phoebe and Paige look like bigger morons than usual.

Then there's that heinous Paige subplot where she keeps orbing out during orgasm. Yeesh. There's not enough words to describe how illogical the entire concept is, or how embarrassed Rose McGowan looks when discussing her problem with Piper. Gah. Finally, P3 is in trouble again. I've never seen a business with such an inconsistent financial state.

I liked some of the superhero angle, but Witches in Tights is just too annoying to truly work. There's also some real issues with the script, with way too many stories occurring at once, the slumlord subplot leading to a final scene which feels almost half-finished, like they cut it right in half. Bad episode. D

Guest stars Andrew James Allen (Kevin); Gerry Becker (Ramus); Mark A. Sheppard (Arnon); David Pressman (Ed Miller); Tinsley Grimes (Phoebe's Assistant); Craig Young (Dave)
Writer Mark Wilding Director David Straiton


  1. The only highlight for me was the super cool fight scene in the manor as the Halliwells kicked ass. It had a wonderful visual flourish to it (as you like to say) and it actually looked like the production spent money to make the scene look good!

  2. You're a fan of fight scenes, right? Heh. I'm not a huge lover of them myself. I like them, generally, but I don't usually remember them very well. And I always thought the ones on Charmed were a little lame, anyway. Especially when anybody but Phoebe started physically fighting demons, when they hadn't had any of that kind of training or whatever. So silly.
