
Friday, July 5, 2013

Alias: Mirage (4.18)

Back when Alias first began, the relationship between Sydney and Jack was one of its most important sources of conflict. The writing ensured that their estrangement was uncomfortable yet relatable, while the chemistry between Jennifer Garner and Victor Garber made sure that, in spite of Syd's outward hostility towards her dad, the two of them were always sort of crying out for a real bond once again. But like so many of Alias' major stories, it's a conflict that's become a little directionless over recent seasons, the writers bombarding us with ill-conceived plot twists or a general lack of interest when it comes to the character's actual emotions.

Mirage is an attempt to bring back a lot of that psychology, Sydney having to assume the role of her mother in an elaborate reconstruction of a scene from Jack's past, the one opportunity they have to cure his radiation poisoning. Thankfully the show avoids any of the incestuous trappings that such a concept seems to propose, instead focusing on an inherent tenderness that has been a little absent between them lately.

There's nothing explicitly new here, but it is sweet to see Sydney essentially watch her father connecting with her younger self, glimpsing the love that was always there, as well as Jack's determination to leave the CIA in order to protect and be with his family. The show has covered this kind of thing before, and the 'elaborate ruse' plot itself felt reminiscent of Ricky Gervais' fake-hotel thing in Facade, but it's nice to see the show revisiting an area of significant emotional weight, particularly in a season with a propensity to forget important character dynamics. It's also welcome to see the end of the radiation arc, a story which, up till now at least, has been something of a non-event. Besides those dazzling shots of Jack scratching his palm constantly, of course. Snore.

Mirage falters a little with Elena Derevko, however. The carry-over from last week feels rushed and inconsequential, almost as if the show edited one episode's worth of story across two hours to pad stuff out, while the show hasn't yet sourced a means of using Elena in a fresh, intriguing manner. Right now it's all a little too reminiscent of the Francie clone arc -- Elena all duplicitous in the Bristow kitchen, shifty looks, murderous fake-outs and a vague long-term agenda. I actually dig the old 'secret antagonist hidden from sight' trope, but the Francie arc was so provocative and absorbing because of how entirely batshit it was. Elena, doing the exact same stuff, only pails in comparison.

It's interesting to see an episode pretty much made up of recreations of the past (both literal and in terms of vintage Alias itself), but one angle being far more successful than the other. And that's only because Garner and Garber still play their material with warm conviction. We've watched these actors for years, and at times it feels like our collective familiarity with the show is the one thing preventing Alias from entirely falling to pieces. B

Guest stars
Sonia Braga (Sophia Vargas / Elena Derevko); Michael McKean (Dr. Atticus Liddell); Vladimir Mashkov (Milos Kradic); Oz Perkins (Coke Bottle Glasses)
Writer Steven Kane Director Brad Turner


  1. This episode is so good. The beginning is a hoot, with Sydney and her magenta hair back on a mission. It instantly gives the show so much energy.

    The nerd guy was so weird, I’m glad he is gone. On the other hand, I liked Elena this episode. Actually, this might be the only episode where her straightforward villainess works. She looks so cool on that scene she breaks into the CIA facility, what with the hat and then the long, long hair.

    The arc story is not making so much sense, though. I like the hydrosec thingy, but why did Elena decide to come to Nadia’s home now? How could she know that the CIA would have the hydrosec? If she didn’t, what could she possibly gain from Nadia by coming to her home? (Maybe I missed something, I don’t know.) I hadn’t noticed before the similarities between this scenario and evil Francie. Good one, Max.

    Sydney and Jack are my favorite relationship on this show, so I love their scene here. There’s a reason why so many fans love it too: it’s the acknowledgement of how deeply these two care for each other, something that has been lacking this season, like you pointed out.

    Overall, “Mirage” is a good episode that advances the arc story well and gives Jack and Sydney a memorable moment together.

    Oh, also, the twist of Jack hallucinating his treatment with doctor Lidell is very cool.

  2. Hi Adam! You have a really great site! I'm glad to have stumbled upon it! I'm trying to find an email address to contact you on to ask if you would please consider adding a link. Thanks and have a great day!

  3. It's a shame this blog seems to have died a quiet death. I quite liked maxpower03's reviewing style. I really enjoyed his take on Mad Men most of all, and always liked checking in on his Alias progress. If you're still reading these comments, please consider continuing your reviews. I'd hate to never see another update.

    1. ^^^ This. I'm bummed that his reviews of American Horror Story aren't going forward. I sometimes looked forward to reading the review here more than the actual episode. Coven is just weeks away for God's sake!

    2. Agreed. I liked max's reviewing style too. His reviews are so clever and well written. Come back, max! I want to comment on Alias season 5!

    3. Original poster here. Thanks for the replies, fellow Anon and Lamounier! Alias Season 5 is a mess, but it has some great episodes in all the confusion, like "Bob" and "30 Seconds". I most want to comment on the rest of Mad Men Season 6 though. I'd love to hear what Max thought of "In Care Of".

    4. I love em too why won't he come back?? :'-( I am gonna cry, well no just kidding but still maxpower03 should return cause he has alot of followers of the series that will stay with him on the course of his Alias reviews, like me! :-D

    5. People we need more followers we are almost in 30 comments I am Enrique Maldonado my forgot my password and I can't access my account

  4. I love season four, although many people might not agree with me, it is my favorite of Alias, my fave episode is Another Mister Sloane

  5. I agree that "Another Mister Sloane" was one of their best episodes. As was the excellent season finale "Before the Flood". Now if only maxpower03 would come back and review it. :(

  6. Maybe if we reach 47 comments, he'll come back.

    1. Ha ha. Cool idea. We're already in double digits. Maybe he was just put off by the task of reviewing the frequent disasters of Alias Season 5. (It wasn't that bad, though. That bad parts just... stood out.)

    2. Would 12 be enough? I mean, Alliance of Twelve, Prophet Five...

      maxpower, come back!

    3. I'm not stopping until at least 47. :)

      I kind of feel like I'm launching a petition at empty space though. Hopefully we're not going unheard in our little corner of the internet.

    4. what happened to maxpower03 I just entered this website after my last time it was like back in July and now update, anybody has a clue to what happened to him???

    5. Alright lets start our own petition we need more people to get to 47, i'll tell my cousin to join our cause ;-)

    6. Reading this reviews remind so much of Alias, Im gonna buy all seasons as soon as I can

  7. 14 comment here, maxpowe03 please do another review of Alias, is my all time favorite show.


  9. I'll sign all my posts Nick from now on (I'm the guy who said that bit about our little corner of the internet up there) so as not to be confused with any other 'anonymous' poster. Glad you joined the cause Enrique! We'll get to 47 yet.


    1. who is maxpower03, and what happened to him? Can somebody please tell me?

    2. As you can see in the 'about me' section on the top right section of the home page, maxpower03 is the online username of Adam, who used to post his TV reviews of shows including Alias and more, but he hasn't posted anything new for almost four months. A few of us loyal fans in the comments are hoping he still reads these so we can say how much we want him to come back. (As an added Alias bonus, the goal is to reach 47 comments). :)


  10. Ha, that's awesome. 47, here we go.


  12. Sydney's sister is so hot if I would have the chance to marry her I totally would! ;-)

    1. Are you tall, dark and handsome?

    2. Actually, Nadia dated Eric Weiss for most of her time on the show, so maybe she wasn't into the traditional 'tall, dark and handsome' thing. (Also, I know that was a joke, but I though it would be funny to point that out.)


    3. Granted. And Greg Grunberg was just so damn likable in the part, who could blame her?


  13. So, what are everyone's favorite Alias related videos?

    I really like this season 4 promo:

    And this awesome fan made trailer for season 5 (which contains lots of spoilers):

  14. We need to get to 47 alias fans!!!

    1. And I thought we had given up.

    2. Awesome show of support! Good to know there's still hope. It sucks when your favorite review blog just fades away. Maybe we can still jumpstart it if we try.


  15. That evil Sloane I always knew he hadnt changed Sydney was so right a bout him

  16. Yeah, it's a real shame, I enjoyed reading his reviews since the days. I understand it's very possible to get burnt out reviewing old TV shows. Hopefully he comes back and reviews again but if not, he had a good run and really grew as a reviewer over the years.

    -The other Nick

    1. Nice to meet you, other me! :)

      Being a professional reviewer is tough, especially when you're juggling several multi-season shows at once. Still, it's always possible he'll check in and see that the fans and readers are still here.


  17. Come back maxpower03 please!!!! Alias is my favorite show of all time.

  18. I hope he comes back and finish this and the last season I have read the entire Alias reviews and I must say he is really good at reviewing shows.

  19. One day before and maxpower03 hasnt update us any alias reviews since summer!!! I cant believe :'(

    1. Well don't lose hope yet! 2014 is a new year and who knows what might come with it. I just can't believe that we're finally just 4 comments away from 47. Fans are the best sometimes.


  20. Sorry i left a sentence one day before new years eve oops my bad

  21. One comment here alias rocks man!!!!

  22. It gives me great pleasure to make the 47th comment! Thanks to Lamounier, Enrique Maldonado, Bibi McIntyre, Lorraine Vanderbilt, the other Nick, and the dozen or so Anons who helped us get to Rambaldi's favorite number!

    To maxpower03 if he's reading this: Your blog description has always read "Reviewing television, not that anybody asked." Hopefully this little group we've gotten together has demonstrated that now there actually are people asking. We'd all love to see you continue your reviews. The commentary is no longer unwelcome, so to speak. :)

    A happy new year to all you guys who contributed. Here's to Alias Season 5, American Horror Story, Mad Men, Girls, Felicity, and the reviewing prowess of maxpower03, our favorite critic.


  23. Yay!! Happy new year to everyone

  24. Oh god I'm beginning to think this blogger dude is kidnap or something seriously he has not posted anything since last summer

  25. Is he dead or something?

  26. This is really sad. Where are you Max?

  27. I noticed he's been posting on IMDB's boards, so he's not dead! He just likely moved on, hell he was only.. what.. 21? He probably ran out of time and just didn't realize that many people would care that he stopped.

    That said, it is a testament to his commentary on shows that are more than a decade old, he had some dedicated readers and that's pretty impressive.

  28. I just discovered this blog this month, and seeing how Buffy is my favorite show of all time and Alias is my second, I am really pleased by this site. It's such a refreshing saner alternative to something like Television Without Pity (which is now also defunct, apparently). Good to know Adam/Max is actually alive but darn I wish he'd finish Alias, even if just for the unintentional laughs that made up a lot of season five haha!

  29. Also, WHERE did you find him imdb's boards?Hah!

  30. Just a huge thanks everybody, sorry that I literally fell off the face of the earth. Explanations in the Summertime post, etc.

    All your kind words mean a ton, thank you all for reading my stuff on here.
