
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Charmed: The Three Faces of Phoebe (4.14)

For an episode with a dangerously heinous-sounding central idea, The Three Faces of Phoebe surprisingly depicts some interesting discussions about fate and desire. The writing of Older Phoebe is remarkably powerful, reflecting an elderly woman with a lot of regret and justified hostility as a result of the decisions she has made in the past. She knew at one point that Cole was infected by the Source, but has always been left with that lingering doubt over whether vanquishing him was the right thing to do. So she allows events to play out differently, in the hopes of changing her fate. It's a well-constructed idea, and Frances Bay (marble rye!) is wonderful in the part, with a performance layered with subtle emotion. And who doesn't love a character who finally calls Phoebe out on her trampy wardrobe?

The Cole saga is moving forward, and it's a lot of fun. The Seer's plan is a little vague, but both Julian and Debbi Morgan are selling the story; Julian in particular is pretty great as a weird hybrid of Cole and the Source, stuck between his love for Phoebe and his desire to take over the Underworld.

The rest of the hour is a little 'blah'. While it did allow for the great Older Phoebe character, present day Pheebs and her dithering about Cole is seriously played out. She has worries because he's a demon, she has worries because he's a human, she doesn't want to become a boring housewife, now she's sensing something is 'off' with him. Gah! Make up your damn mind, girl!

Elsewhere, the demon story and Paige's office shenanigans both feel unnecessary, and the little girl playing Young Pheebs is seriously awful. But, thanks to Frances Bay and that entire element of the episode, The Three Faces of Phoebe mostly works. And the Cole arc is becoming more intriguing by the episode. B+

Guest stars Harry Van Gorkum (Kurzon); Frances Bay (Old Phoebe); Samantha Goldstein (Young Phoebe); Debbi Morgan (The Seer)
Writer Curtis Kheel Director Joel J. Feigenbaum


  1. Fun review, I liked Paige's subplot somewhat, it's nice her whole part in the previous episode isn't ignored. Still a pretty great episode, and Frances Bay was amazing, but you already know all that from my own review!

  2. I always felt like this was one of the few light episodes the show did very well. It's just a very memorable episode and it's got a fantastic title to boot. (The show failed often at coming up with amusing puns of famous titles but this one worked brilliantly). Of course Charmed & Dangerous is my favorite title! (haha Max I'll never let you forget that one)
