
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Charmed: The Demon Who Came in from the Cold (3.19)

Zzzzzz. This episode always bored me to tears. It's an incredibly misjudged idea, made even worse by a script that really doesn't appear to know what its doing or how to make a bad idea palatable. At the center of the story is Cole's moral ambiguity, a tried-and-tested idea that has been explored to far greater effect in any of the various Cole-centric stories earlier this season. But so much of that element is drowned out by the hugely flatlining story of corporate greed, corporate mergers and body swaps. Gah.

Most of the episode features people standing around talking. We have Cole interacting with his hammy former cohorts dubbed 'the Brotherhood', including one with unfortunate fish lips, a lady with a permanent sneer, and a guy who looks like he should be a roadie for a Meat Loaf tribute act. We also have Cole and Phoebe standing around treading familiar ground in that goddamn mausoleum which seriously needs to be burned to the ground and its ashes thrown into the garden of unfortunately ugly and over-used film sets. Somewhere in the episode are some sequences involving Piper and Prue, but they get so little to do here that they're not particularly memorable. Yikes.

Sorry for throwing this one under the bus but lord is it boring. Even more mystifying is why the writers decided to drag it out over two weeks. Maybe if they combined the two hours it could have been more successful. But in this form, it's a disappointingly weak hour which interrupts such a long run of classic and semi-decent episodes. D-

Crimes of Fashion Did Phoebe graduate from dominatrix school? Based on the hideous corset and choker duo in the final P3 scene, I'm assuming she did. And why is Prue wearing lime green underwear as a party outfit? Yeesh.

Guest stars Gregory Scott Cummins (Vornac); Joseph Reitman (Tarkin); Ian Buchanan (Raynor)
Writer Sheryl J. Anderson Director Anson Williams

1 comment:

  1. While I do agree with you, the whole corporate part of this episode dragged it down, I liked the main idea behind it.

    I love the fashion crimes part too! How Phoebe wore half the things she did in public is beyond me. Maybe Eilish hated her as much as Shannen did?
